Coaches Conference 2023: Tag 1 (NOR, SUI, SWE, AUT/CZE)

The Coaches Conference 2023 in Faak am See is in progress. There are summaries and reports of the presentions which you can find below. All documents are also published here.

Die Coaches Conference 2023 in Faak am See ist bereits voll im Gange. Die Dokumentation der international top besetzten Konferenz erfolgt über Zusammenfassungen und Berichte der Vorträge der Coaches. Alle Dokumente können auch auf der Seite der Coaches Conference eingesehen werden.


The 3rd International Orienteering Coaches Conference was opened by Janne Salmi, national team manager of the Norwegian Orienteering Federation. In his presentation he shared his views on the future development of (elite) orienteering, the structure and budget of the Norwegian national team and how they support the athletes‘ daily training. He gave some insights into the performance diagnostics used, their way to deal with gender-specific questions and the strengths and challenges of Norwegian orienteering. Finally, he pointed out some recommendations for orienteering in Austria.

Contrary to other speakers on the conference he expects not more specialisation towards forest or sprint disciplines as today and less nations sharing the top positions in the future. Read more here.


The second presentation at the first day of the 3rd IOCC was held by our neighbouring countries’ head coach, Switzerland’s Kilian Imhof. Kilians presentation dealed with the analysis of the World Orienteering Championships 2023. As a long term goal, this years WOC has been within the heads of the Swiss teams runners for a long time and the results have shown Switzerland on the very top. The reason for this success will be explained in the presentation. Read more here.


The vision of the Swedish National team is to be the best national team in the world in all disciplines. To achieve this goal, the federation wants to support its athletes not only at training camps and international competitions, but also on a daily basis, which means 365 days a year. This is done by providing training opportunities in different parts of Sweden to athletes with local coaches at training centers. Read more here.

Austria/ Czechia:

The headcoach of Austria, Radek Novotný, made interesting hypothesis about the future of orienteering. Furthermore, aspects of his training philosophy were covered in his interesting presentation. In Radek’s opinion there could be big developments and challenges of the orienteering sports in terms of technology and changes in disciplines. Furthermore, he points out the importance of personal coaches (or advisers) for athletes. Read more here.

Detailed information about Radek’s training philosophy and other interesting topics can be found in the summary here. All present coaches concluded that Radek’s expertise is a big chance to improve Austrian orienteering in general.

Foto: Bernd Bäuchler

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